A Better Hope
Enjoying the Resurrection Life
Sam Allberry
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Hope is far bigger than wishful thinking. Biblical hope is something certain and firm, that keeps us going when life is tough and inexplicable, and when the bottom drops out of our world. Hope transforms everything. Hope lifts the pressure off us - turns our eyes to a bigger picture.
For the Christian, the Resurrection means that we have real, genuine hope in this life, and beyond, for eternity. We are trusting in Christ, not ourselves, and he is the gateway to lasting hope, peace and joy. We have a better hope.
In this short, conversational book Sam Allberry invites us to consider what the Bible says about this better hope. The gospel persuades us to base our lives on something secure, not flimsy, something lasting, not temporary. Millions have done so and have never regretted it.
Discover how the Resurrection offers you a better hope.
This e-book extracted from the 2010 volume Lifted.